Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Tread Lightly Tuesday

Today most of us recycle everything (or at least almost everything) that can be recycled in our workplaces and homes. But that's only part of the cycle, in recycle! In order to keep the cycle going the next step is to actually purchase goods made from recycled materials. Today (and over the next few Tread Lightly Tuesday posts) I'm going to share with you products and packaging that are made from recycled materials so you too, can keep the cycle going.

Let's start with the basics...toilet paper, paper towel and tissues. Why should forests, rain forests even be cut down to make these brand-new, one-use products? There's really no good excuse for not buying recycled toilet paper, tissues and paper towel. Really, there is no excuse. What you what to look for when buying goods made out of recycled paper is that ideally they should be made out of 100% recycled paper, unbleached and unfraganced. One company that I've found meets all of these criteria, as well as being Australian made and owned is Naturale, who sell all three of these paper goods (and their toilet paper and tissues are nice and soft in case you're wondering!). They're available from most large supermarkets so there's no need to go out of your way to find them, simply make the switch and you'll be putting the "cycle" back into recycle!

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